Presented by Lady Layla
There is depression and there is depression and then there is women and depression. Clinical depression is one thing and simply feeling down and pissed off is another. They are entirely different.
In recent years the amount of sex that young people have, be it with a partner or solo sex with sex toys, has declined. At the same time cases of depression and anxiety have increased. This in itself should tell us something.
There are still feelings of guilt and shame when it comes to sex toys. We’re not sure why. Sextoys are used by millions of women worldwide to great effect. They give pleasure and enhance the feeling of contentment.
Sextoys are used for masturbation and when couples are enjoying sex. Their benefits far outweigh any negative ideas about them. Your sex toy is nothing to be ashamed of – It is your best friend.
Many people believe that sex is only the act where penetration of the womans vagina by a male penis occurs. They also often believe that an orgasm is required for the sex to be successful. Neither of these is true. Sex can be beautiful without penetration and this is where sex toys are advantageous. Enjoyment with sex toys can be when enjoying solo sex (masturbation) or with a partner. After all, lesbians enjoy sex and there is no penis involvement at all. Orgasms, although beneficial, are not required for sex to be successful. Sex can be enjoyed without orgasms – It is pleasurable and results in contentment beyond belief. So get out those sex toys to either pleasure yourself or for a partner to please you.
This condition is a serious problem. It is not a passing feeling but a consistent state of unhappiness and hopelessness. In some cases, this can even result in suicide. Sex in its various forms may help but the sufferer will often not have the desire to indulge in them.
Professional help is needed. This help could include antidepressants or the help of a therapist. Most of us do not understand the condition and so the help of a medical professional is needed. A persons Doctor should be involved from an early stage. Ensure they get the help that they need.
Clinical Depression is a serious condition often resulting in self-harm or even suicide. In those cases you should find someone to talk to about it – Someone who will listen. The first port of call is a relative or a really close friend. Talking is good and to unburden yourself can make all of the difference.
Taking professional advice is essential. Women and depression is a serious subject. Let’s face it someone suffering from Clinical Depression needs help and they need it before it is too late.
There is being Pissed Off, however, that is different. Everybody feels like this now and again. If this were not the case then it would mean that life was perfect all of the time and that is never the case. Women, in particular, can be subject to this form of depression.
Being stuck with the kids and having no interaction with other adults can have an adverse effect. It is no fun to be left alone whilst your partner is spending lots of time in the outside world. Life can become monotonous and soul-destroying. Women often suffer in the time after childbirth.
We can all get fed up sometimes and need something to cheer us up. For many people just a get-together with friends is enough. People all relax in different ways so it is a matter of doing what is right for you.
Sex is a great healer in these circumstances. It could be sex with your partner. It could be a one-off with a stranger. Or with your sex toy.
Masturbation is probably the ultimate form of sex in these cases as a sex toy can continue to stimulate a woman for a greater length of time than the majority of men can. This results in orgasm in a significant number of cases.
Sex releases hormones that make us feel good, including dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. These boost your mood, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. An orgasm before sleep will enhance the quality of that sleep.
Masturbation relaxes individuals and should be considered it takes away negative feelings better than any other activity.
Women and depression, always remember that a good session with your sex toy may be all that it takes to banish those blues.
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