Presented by Lady Layla
Massages have great benefits.
The purpose of a massage is to relax and stimulate the soft tissues of the body. This results in a reduction in stress levels, increased relaxation and a lessening of pain and muscle tightness. It is also said to improve the immune system. A massage is an integral part of a health and wellness programme.
When having a massage the choice between a masseur and a masseuse is purely a matter of preference. It is advisable that the masseur or masseuse should be mature (35 years of age or above). They often have more experience and can be perceived to be in control whereas younger practitioners cannot.
It is vital that clients understand exactly what the massage consists of and that all payments are made in advance.
There are lots of types of massage throughout the world but for our purposes we will deal with those most common in the UK.
This is the most common type of massage. The practitioner remains fully clothed and the private parts of the client are hidden from view. There is nothing sexual about the massage at all. Only the parts of the body exposed can be massaged. The chief purpose of the massage is to relax the person being massaged by the use of hands, elbows and massage tools such as sex toys etc.
The client is fully naked for this type of massage. The practitioner is generally fully clothed but they also have the choice to be semi-naked or naked. This is a decision made between the practitioner and the client. The nudity of the practitioner is only needed if it is apparent that it will help the client to be fully relaxed. Relaxation is key when it comes to achieving an orgasm from their final sexual stimulation. Most clients don’t need this extra stimulation but some will be embarrassed and intimidated when they are the only one naked.
Every part of the clients body should be massaged with the final area being the sexual organs. It is often assumed that a full-body massage is just about sex. This is not the case. There are important health benefits.
Many women rarely experience orgasms. The practitioner should massage the inner vagina and the clitoris until an orgasm is induced. This is important as an orgasm for a woman results in total relaxation and a feeling of well-being.
Many men do not get enough sex or enough privacy to regularly masturbate. Massaging a mans penis until he ejaculates can help him in this regard. He will experience relief and a feeling of well-being. Possibly more important is the possible prevention of prostate cancer. For health reasons, it is important that men expel their semen on a regular basis. Regular massages of the penis will help with this and should be a regular part of all mens lives.
Standard massages are an important aid to better physical and mental health. Full body massages help much more and should be considered by everyone.
Practitioners concerned about giving full body massages will soon become accustomed to it and appreciate the health benefits that it brings.
Charges are at the discretion of the practitioner or the establishment where they are working. Full body massages should be charged at least three times the cost of a standard massage although discounts can be given to clients attending on a regular basis.
Finally – Full sexual intercourse should never be offered. Such activity is not a massage – It is prostitution.
This is the Full Body Massage plus a final finishing off using a sex toy.
The whole point of a Full Body Massage is to totally relax the recipient and to complete the exercise with an orgasm. As previously explained orgasms are vital for both physical and mental health.
A simple vibrator could be used, or possibly, a finger vibrator.
Nuru massages originated in Japan and Nuru just means slippery. They are mostly enjoyed by men.
A suitable massage gel is a very thick colourless lubricant made from a specific brown seaweed. It is so thick that it is usually mixed with warm water and it has a very slippery consistency. It is also easily washed off after the massage.
When having a nuru massage protective sheets are advised as the whole thing is very messy.
Both the masseur and the person to be massaged must be totally naked. Both will be completely covered with the lubricant. The massage then is body to body.
The maximum benefit is felt when the masseur and the person to be massaged are of different sexes.
The masseur rubs and slides every part of his or her body over every part of the person being massaged.
One benefit of a Nuru massage is that it relieves tension and stress. It improves circulation and is said to help disperse cellulite. The whole of the skin will become smooth and moisturised.
One thing that it will do is sexually excite the recipient especially if a man is being massaged by a woman. This body-to-body contact makes this inevitable.
It is not intended that a Nuru Massage should result in sex. It is, however, intended that the man gets an erection and subsequently “Cums”.
This results in total relaxation and relief from stress.
So there we have it.
All forms of massage are designed to relax the recipient and remove stress.
A sexual element does not normally form part of the massage but its inclusion can further enhance the effectiveness. This should not be derided but welcomed and embraced.
Further Reading –
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