I am nineteen years old and have been having sex for a number of years. Although I enjoy it I had never experienced an orgasm until I discovered Sextoys from Lady Layla. Although I still enjoy shagging with different men when I want total fulfilment I experience it alone. To be honest a mans cock can never compete with a seven inch vibrator.
Amanda Sears
I am a married mother aged 36 and must say that the sextoys from this company are high quality. I often enjoy masturbation whenever I get the time and I thoroughly recommend sextoys from Lady Layla. I always insist that my husband also uses sextoys on me before we have sex. I will be eternally grateful to Laylas website.
Tom Jackson
As a homosexual man in a stable relationship I recommend the high quality sextoys from Lady Layla. Use of vibrating toys up each others backsides results in harder erections and a more forceful ejaculation.
Edward Byrne
Wonderful products and a wonderful service. I have joined the Lady Layla club and I only have to look at Laylas spread leg photos to want to wank. A fantastic lady and a great company.
Dorine Cox
I have a lot to thank Layla for. My husband bought a couple of sextoys to use on me from Lady Layla. This has made all the difference. Getting me super excited before fucking usually results in me achieving an orgasm when we shag. On the odd occasion when I am still left wanting my husband finishes me off with a sextoy. Our sex life is so much better now.
Amelia Benson
Since being introduced to your wonderful sextoys all that I can say is – “Thank you for the service, Thank you for the quality and a big Fucking Thank you for the wonderful orgasms”.
Lady Layla
Thank you for your kind comments a few of which appear here. I am so pleased that our sex toys are becoming very popular and that so many people are enjoying the benefits. One question that I am asked is – What does the “MEMBERS CLUB” website consist of? Basically it is much more hardcore. There are Stories and Flipbooks designed to give members all the ideas necessary to improve their sex lives and so much more. If you want to see my tits and pussy as well as photos of me fucking then the Members Club website is the place. Discounts are available on my Sex Toys and you can meet my team. There is more so why not join to experience it. I love sex and this website is for fans of the same mind. Possibly the best adult website available.