Discussing the psychological and physical benefits of masturbation and how sex toys can elevate the experience.
Presented by Lady Layla
It is more difficult for a woman to achieve an orgasm than it is for a man and it takes longer.
Some women rarely have an orgasm and for some, it is easier.
Orgasms are achieved as a result of sexual stimulation. This stimulation can be provided in masturbation with the use of fingers and sex toys. It can also be provided by a partner or partners when having sex. In those cases, Foreplay is often essential and it may be necessary to ‘Finish things off’ after intercourse. The female orgasm is important when it comes to Mental Health and the easiest way of achieving it is through masturbation.
The male orgasm is easy to identify. The man simply ejaculates his semen. The female orgasm occurs less often and varies in its appearance. There was a time when the female orgasm was not thought to exist. Now we know better.
In the past women suffering from anxiety, mood swings and depression were sent by their husbands to the doctor. They were diagnosed with a disease called ′′ hysteria “. Their treatment was ′′ an internal massage ′′ to achieve hysterical correction, now known as an orgasm.
There were so many women attending consultations to have their treatment for hysteria that doctors at the end of the workday were exhausted and their hands were shaky. We now know that the Drs fingered the vagina of any patient with this illness. The stimulation excited the women and continued stimulation resulted in an orgasm. At that time it was seen as a healing tool with many women being treated when they felt ′′ bouts of hysteria “.
It is a benefit to any woman to achieve an orgasm but it is not the be-all and end-all of sex. Sex is enjoyable with or without a woman climaxing.
Orgasms can be achieved in various ways. In order to reach an orgasm there must be sexual stimulation. Masturbation is the most common way as it is possible to prolong the action.
It should be remembered that there is a close relationship between masturbation and mental health. It follows that women should masturbate as often as possible.
It is also possible for a partner to cause a woman to have an orgasm with the use of fingers, the mouth, sex toys and the penis. Stimulation of the nipples can contribute to this but vaginal stimulation is normally needed. The clitoris is the most sensitive spot but this is not limited to the mound to be found at the upper front of the vagina. It extends beneath the surface to the vulva and backwards along the upper wall of the vagina.
Multiple orgasms are also possible, especially in women, but they are also uncommon. Multiple orgasms are orgasms that occur within a short period of one another.
When a woman has an orgasm the genital muscles contract and these contractions are less than a second apart. In some women, the whole body appears to go into spasm. The female orgasm lasts longer than that of a man and can last for up to half a minute.
Some can scream or become very vocal shouting out obscenities. Each woman orgasms in their own way.
There are two important differences between male and female orgasms. The first is the length of time that it takes to achieve one. A man will normally orgasm and ejaculate his cum in five minutes or less. A woman may take around twenty minutes to reach her climax. This is why quick sex will never satisfy a woman. To overcome this there could be a lot of foreplay involving kissing, fingering, cunningulus and the use of sextoys before intercourse.
So how does a woman reach her climax? A woman could experience an orgasm by masturbation. A partner can spend time stimulating the woman with their fingers, tongue and sex toys. Lesbian sex will more likely result in orgasm as the women can work on each other for as long as is necessary. Finally, the woman could be serviced by a group of men during the same session.
It has been suggested that when having sex the size of a mans penis plays a large part in a womans enjoyment. The length of most mens penises is 5 to 6 inches. Many women prefer a length of 8 to 9 inches. The enjoyment being increased when having sex with a man with a larger penis may be true. However, it has no bearing on achieving orgasm.
One thing to be borne in mind is the matter of the recovery time. Men take a lot of time to recover and as they get older this time increases. Even a man in his forties could take a full twenty-four hours. A woman in comparison will often be ready to go again in a matter of seconds. This is yet another reason why multiple partners could be considered.
Men need to give a lot of thought regarding female satisfaction and should take any necessary steps to ensure that they are satisfied. This could be concentrating on the foreplay – it could be encouraging the woman to massage her clitoris during intercourse or to finish herself off by masturbating after intercourse.
Women deserve orgasms so men should do whatever it takes. They should endeavour not to be selfish and to do everything necessary to meet her needs. A man pleasuring a woman is faithfully repeating the actions that she would enjoy if she were masturbating. As masturbation is good for her mental health it follows that her partners actions will also have a beneficial effect.
Sex is experienced as pleasurable and this is because pathways in our brains are activated during and leading up to orgasm.
The same pathways are activated in response to drug use, alcohol consumption and gambling. It is better to be “Addicted’ to sex and orgasms rather than the alternatives.
Things that should be noted. – A womans orgasm is pleasurable. – A womans orgasm has health benefits. – A womans orgasm has no bearing at all on them conceiving.
Around 60% of women admit to having faked orgasms when having sex with a man and there is no way of telling if the orgasm was real or faked. If the orgasm was real then any man should be proud. A faked orgasm is the woman saying “Good Job – Well Done” She wants the man to feel good about himself. She wants him to feel proud and to give him confidence for the next time. It is a compliment so take it.
Orgasms are not only enjoyable but are important from both a physical health and a mental well-being perspective. Firstly there is a womans mental well-being. Let’s be honest – Life today is very stressful at all stages of a womans life. The most stressed women are those with children, a home to run and possibly a job as well. Older women can worry about losing their looks and figure – Feeling that they are no longer desirable. However, we can also be stressed when we are younger and dealing with exams and self-doubt.
Women should be encouraged to masturbate on a regular basis and encouraged to achieve an orgasm. Orgasms are good for both their physical and mental health. Stress makes us unhappy and we retake it out on our nearest and dearest. Regular orgasms relieve that stress by releasing hormones such as endorphins. Orgasms decrease your stress levels and anxiety because they produce oxytocin. This hormone is known to decrease stress and relieve all kinds of pain. Orgasms also boost other stress-relieving hormones like dopamine that allow for greater anxiety control. They do this by getting your endorphins pumping. This makes it easier to deal with feelings like stress and anxiety,
It has been suggested that almost 40% of women who masturbate engage with it because it helps them to relax. What a boost that is not only to the women themselves but also to those around them. Most men know that when they are stressed a blowjob will relieve that stress. It is no different for a woman. When your wife or partner has had a hard day and is suffering from stress. This is the perfect way to relax her.
You know that she deserves it.
Orgasms also enhance our physical health. The hormones released improve our immune system and it is said that the leukocytes in the blood are increased. These fight infection. So for better physical and mental health, we need orgasms. But how can these be achieved?
Masturbation often results in climax as we can spend as much time as it takes. Simply using our fingers to stimulate the clitoris can be effective but the use of sex toys increases the pleasure. Nobody should underestimate the value of sex toys. A vibrating toy stimulates the clitoris in a way that fingers ever could. So ladies, climax as often as possible. It is good for your mental health and feels great. An excellent selection of sex toys can be seen on the website.
Similarly, sex with another woman has no time constraints and can continue as long as necessary. However, men will often cum before a woman is totally satisfied. Most women enjoy Good sex but the emphasis should be on the word “Good”. In such cases, it is important that the couple enjoy a lot of foreplay to ensure that the woman is excited prior to the intercourse. If, by the time that the man has cum the woman has still not climaxed then she needs to be “finished off”. Similar activity to foreplay is then required.This includes a partner fingering her, using sex toys to stimulate her vagina and clitoris as well as practising oral sex on her.
Women should experience as many orgasms as they can in as many ways as they can. They will be better for it.
By Gigi Engle
Reviewed by Jordan Rullo,
Reviewed by Stacy A. Henigsman,— Written by Zawn Villines