Lady Layla



Presented by Lady Layla

“All you need is love – Love is all you need” These are words from a popular song and although the sentiment is endearing the truth is that human beings need much more.

For many people Love is very important be it the love of a partner, extended family or even friends. Although it matters the truth is that much more is needed.

So what do we all need?

1 – At the top of the tree are OXYGEN, FOOD AND WATER.

These are essential as without them anyone would die. Therefore they must be of the utmost importance.


We all need shelter from the elements as both extreme cold and heat can cause death.


This is particularly vital for single people.

They are there to offer support. Loneliness can affect a persons mental health and this can then develop into an effect on physical health. We all need to be able to call on family and friends at times to maintain our well-being.

4 – SEX

Let’s face it we all need this now and again. Having sex is an important part of staying happy and counteracting the things that can get us down. During the coronavirus pandemic and during lockdown many single people found it hard to get sex. They often became depressed and unhappy.

Fortunately, if a person can’t get sex for any reason, there is the alternative of sex toys. The good thing about sex toys is that you don’t need to depend upon anyone else but yourself to get off. In fact, you can get better sexual pleasure with a sex toy than you would get from having real sex with a person. Most Sex Toy users will admit that the best orgasms they have ever experienced have been self-induced by the use of a vibrator. Of course, it is good to have sex with a real human being from time to time but it is nice to know that there are alternatives.

Life without family, friends and some form of sex can result in some form of depression.

There is, however, depression and there is depression. Clinical depression is one thing and simply feeling down and pissed off is another. They are entirely different.

Clinical Depression is a serious condition often resulting in self harm or even suicide. In those cases you should find someone to talk to about it – Someone who will listen. The first port of call is a relative or a really close friend. Talking is good and to unburden yourself can make all of the difference. Taking professional advice is also essential. Let’s face it someone suffering from Clinical Depression needs help and they need it before it is too late. Anyone in this state needs help but they do not always recognise this and so if the signs are spotted in someone else it is time to step in.

If we are talking about simply being Pissed Off, however, that is different. Everybody feels like this now and again. If this were not the case then it would mean that life was perfect all of the time and that is never the case. We can all get fed up sometimes and need something to cheer us up. For many people just a get together with friends is enough. For others it could simply be watching a comedy on the television or getting involved in sport.

People all relax in different ways so it is a matter of doing what is right for you.

Masturbation relaxes individuals as does sex with another individual.  Both of these should be considered as they take away negative feelings better than any other activities. So whenever a person is a bit down always remember that good sexual intercourse or a session with a sex toy may be all that it takes to banish those blues.

The amount of sex required, in any form, varies from individual to individual. Those that seem to need a large amount of sex are often called “Sex addicts”Sex addiction could be described as any sexual activity that is out of control. This could refer to a person who wants intercourse all of the time, continually feels the need to masturbate or is obsessed with pornography.

Hovever, just because someone needs a lot of sex does not mean that they are addicted.They may just have a really big sex drive.I am not qualified to comment on sex addiction. It could be an addiction or the individual may just have a higher than average sex drive. The term can also be used wrongly as an excuse for a cheating partner.

A sex addict could be a man who needs continual sex or a woman who just can’t get enough of it. The only real problems with being a sex addict are the disruption of daily life and the damage done to relationships. There may be no cure for a sex addict but then again I am not qualified to comment.

In some cases it may be best to simply satisfy the so called addicts needs. Sex as often as possible will help as well as encouraging masturbation. Sex toys can be used as often as possible. An extreme solution would be to recruit other individuals into the relationship to share the burden.

It may be that simply giving up and extricating oneself from the relationship may be the final solution.


We all need Oxygen, Food and Water to survive.

Shelter from the elements is a high priority.

The support of family and friends is vital for some people.

Sex, in whatever form, is important for both physical and mental health.

ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE – If only that were the case.

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